April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month – a time set aside to increase awareness and show extra love and support to survivors and their loved ones. The pandemic has brought some changes to our traditional activities over the last few years, but we are excited to engage with the community in new ways, including a more robust virtual engagement. Throughout the month, watch our social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) to see the many local faces, businesses, and organizations that support survivors and the work of Crisis Line & Safe House of Central Georgia. Reach out to Anneliese at avanderheyden@cl-sh.org if your business or organization wants to get involved!

Additionally, you can find us at various locations in the community with hands-on information, free swag, and opportunities for prizes. Some of those spots will include the Thomas Public Library in Fort Valley, the Mulberry Market in Macon, the Byron Public Library, Veterans Affairs in Macon, and Wesleyan Market in Macon. Watch social media as more events may be added to the calendar!

Our month-long slate of activities will end with our quarterly book club meeting on April 28, where we will take a deep dive into the book The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.. This book explores the research of how trauma affects a person not only psychologically, but in their physical body as well. The author goes further to discuss methods of healing and incorporate the physical and mental.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month Events Flyer